
It doesn’t matter if you are expecting your first, second, or third baby; your life is about to change in the best way possible. You and your husband or partner are getting ready to tag team late-night feedings, diaper duties, and daycare drop offs.

Between the nervousness and excitement of a new baby and mentally preparing for the madness coming your way, a pre-baby vacation, or babymoon, might be just what you need. If you’ve never heard of a babymoon, here’s more information about what it is and how you can enjoy the calm before your baby storm.

What is a babymoon?

A babymoon is like a honeymoon because they’re both celebratory vacations. However, instead of spending alone time with your spouse after the wedding, you and your spouse enjoy quality time before your new baby is born. The babymoon trend has grown in popularity because once the baby comes, you’ll rarely ever get time to enjoy a getaway.

The last few months after the baby is born are a roller coaster. The purpose of a babymoon is to revel in your last adventure or hurrah before giving birth. Some couples plan their babymoon before their first child is born to enjoy one last vacation as a couple. However, no rule says you can only go on a babymoon with your first child or only if you’re one-half of a couple. You can do it for every pregnancy or on your own if you’d like.

You can go for a weekend getaway or plan a week’s vacation. If you don’t feel like traveling far, arrange for a staycation in the comforts of your home. The idea of a babymoon is to enjoy a relaxing, romantic time with your partner or a fulfilling, refreshing moment alone, no matter your location. Here are some tips for planning your babymoon for you and your partner.

Make safety a priority.

There aren’t any limitations on how far you should go or the length of your stay. Still, all soon-to-be parents should be well-informed and willing to take any safety precautions necessary. With the issues of the Zika virus in tropical destinations some years ago and the waves of COVID-19 outbreaks worldwide, it’s essential to research the vaccine regulations, safety measures, and cleaning procedures of the places you want to visit with your babymoon.

Be intentional and know your goals.

A babymoon doesn’t have to be ornate. It can be as easy as sending the children to grandma and grandpa’s house for the weekend and booking a suite in an expensive local hotel. The key part is to unplug and be purposeful about enjoying your time as a couple.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a weekend staycation or your final chance to check your dream destination off your list before the baby is born. Keep in mind that not all babymoons mean only the soon-to-be parents are going. This babymoon may be your opportunity to spend time with your family before the baby is born, especially if you only have one child. It could be your last chance to travel with your older kids before trying to travel with a new baby. Knowing the goals of your babymoon will help you create a plan to bring home a happy mommy.

For this reason, it may be best to work with a travel agent who understands the goals you want to accomplish. If you wish to have a spa-focused babymoon, you’ll need an advisor who understands the wellness space. On the other hand, if you want a family-friendly vacation, contact an agent with experience planning a luxury family getaway.

Don’t overschedule your trip.

You may take this babymoon as a chance to cross something off your list of things you’ve always wanted to do. Even if you want to cross a destination or activity off your bucket list, try not to overdo it and schedule too much into your itinerary. Once your baby arrives, you’ll be busy 24/7, so use your babymoon as the time to relax, put your feet up, and read a good book. You could also use this time to eat whatever you want or pamper yourself. Your babymoon is the perfect time to unwind and relax, so enjoy the time while you have it.

Get ready to fly smarter.

While you’re planning your babymoon, consider the discomforts of pregnancy. Long drives or flights can exacerbate numerous pregnancy-induced symptoms. Think swollen feet, backaches, and nausea. Remember to always travel with snacks and water. If you’re flying, perhaps choose an aisle seat so you can easily access the bathroom. It may be helpful to pack compression socks to relieve puffy ankles.

Why take a babymoon?

Not to put a harmful light on having a baby, but once your newborn arrives, it’ll be a while before you can spend quality time alone with your partner again. Not to mention the cost of a new baby will bleed into your disposable income, making it harder to plan vacations, hence the significance of a babymoon.

This babymoon is an excellent time to reconnect with your partner, clear your mind, and relax. Use this time to focus on each other without work or other distractions.

If you’re becoming a parent on your own, there will be significant demands on you when your bundle of joy comes. It’s an excellent chance to celebrate the new adventure that’s coming while caring for yourself and your needs, an essential skill for new moms. There’s no right or wrong way to spend your babymoon; some couples take time and play tourist in their town.

Welcoming a new baby into the world is an exciting time for couples. However, it can also be scary, especially if it’s your first child. A babymoon is a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with your partner or family before your new bundle arrives. Remember not to overschedule your itinerary and take time to relax or pamper yourself truly. Once your baby is born, it may be a while before you can travel, so take advantage of your time.

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