Do you want to make your wife feel special today, but you're at a loss for how to do it? Are you hoping for something inexpensive and simple, short and sweet? If so, we've got the list for you. Read on to find ways to make your wife smile. She'll be grateful she married you.

Ask her to dance

Today, my husband did this completely without warning. There was no music and no reason to dance, but he waltzed me around our living room and out the door, just because he could. It was silly and enchanting and I am simply delighted to be married to this man. Try it, and your wife might just feel the same way about you!

Kiss her somewhere atypical

I have a friend who told me that when she does the dishes, sometimes her husband will kiss the back of her neck. Gestures like this are not meant to be sexual, just sweet in a nonchalant way. Your wife will love the reminder that she is a welcome part of your everyday life.

Rub her feet

Even if it hasn't been a very long or busy day, feet can always use some lovin'. Besides, your strong, masculine hands are just the thing to give your wife exactly what she needs. Watch her take a deep breath and smile as you help to ease the tension out of her system. That is truly a gift worth giving.

Offer to make a salad to go with dinner

If your wife is anything like me, she is constantly trying to figure out how to help the family eat healthy without forcing it down their throats. When you offer to handle the vegetables, you demonstrate a willingness to help with her tasks as well as showing her that you support her efforts to care for you and the kids.

Tell her she's beautiful in a specific, small way

I was chattering at my husband yesterday about a new hair product I'm trying, and he responded with, "well, whatever it is, your hair looks really good today." I was so glad to hear that he liked it. Just make sure you really mean the compliment you give.

Ask her about her day

Ask her what's been on her mind lately. Ask her what she's been reading. Ask her how her mom is. Ask her anything. An open-ended question is an invitation for your wife to speak her mind and enjoy having someone to talk to that she loves.

Give her something that is her favorite color

It can be a flower, a frosted cookie, or even a little necklace. The idea here is that if your wife loves getting gifts, you should get her one. It doesn't have to cost anything or be very large. You're reminding her that you are aware of her and grateful for who she is. That's important ... and adorable.

Do a small chore without being asked

When my husband shaves, it's easy for him to miss a lot of the hairs that are sprinkled all over the bathroom counter. I usually ask him to wipe it down later that day, or sometimes I do it myself. However, when he does it without being asked, and I walk into the bathroom and realize the counter is all shiny, it makes my day. I promptly turn around and tell him thank you with a big hug. Try doing a simple chore or errand and see how your wife thanks you.

Tell her she has 10 uninterrupted minutes of your undivided attention

This is about giving her a short time to relax and be herself without worrying about getting something done or distracting you from something important. Besides, you're the man of her dreams, the one person she promised to spend her life with. Why wouldn't she want a little extra attention from you?

Give your wife a card

In my opinion, the best ones are the handmade ones, scrawled on a whim. I do this sort of thing for my husband now and then. A sign that read "I love you times a billion!" hung on our front door for weeks and weeks. If your wife is anything like my husband, she will keep your note in a place of honor, too.

No matter what you decide to do for your wife, understand that what you pick ought to be based on what she would like, not what you would like if you were in her place. Your gestures don't have to be grand or dramatic, just heartfelt and unexpected. You're making your wife feel like the luckiest girl in the world by reminding her that you're the luckiest guy in the world. What's not to love about that?

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