In a healthy marriage, every husband wants nothing more than to make his wife as happy as possible. Husbands love to see their wives thriving and smiling ... after all the phrase "happy wife, happy life" couldn't be more true. However, it can get tricky to tell if she's truly happily married.
There are thousands of little things she does to tell you whether or not she's happy in her marriage, but women who are happily married have these habits:
1. She doesn't get jealous or compare her relationship
Jealousy is the worst. It can be a sign of dissatisfaction in a marriage and goes hand in hand with comparing your relationship to the ones you see around you (and on social media). When a woman is happy in her marriage, she doesn't get jealous or compare because she knows her marriage is awesome. Of course there are always ways to improve, but she wouldn't her marriage for anything.
2. She talks to you
Communication is key to a happy marriage. Happy wives tell their husbands everything - worries, fears, accomplishments and joys. She's not afraid to say what she's feeling and she loves having those daily conversations.
3. She makes an effort with your family
If she's happy, she'll try as hard as she can to have the best relationship with your family. She knows how important they are to you, so she's going to make them important to her as well. Having the same priorities is crucial to having a happy marriage.
4. She says "thank you"
She thanks you for working, taking care of the kids and everything in between. When a woman is happily married, she'll be truly appreciative of her husband's efforts.
5. She tries to make you happy
Husbands and wives should do everything they can to make each other happy. If she's making an effort to cook your favorite meals or do things she knows you love to do, that's a huge hint she's happy with you.
6. She smiles a lot
This one seems obvious, but it's a huge sign. You would definitely notice if your wife never smiled, so notice when she does. Take note of the things you do that make her smile even bigger so you can keep her grinning all day long.
7. She would rather be with you
If she has the option to go out with friends or stay home with you, she'll stay home almost every time. Of course your wife needs some time with her girlfriends, but even when she's out, you're still on her mind.
8. She lets you know if she's mad
If something is bothering her, she'll tell you. Your wife doesn't go tell her friends because she respects you enough to work it out as a couple. She might seem unhappy in the moment, but the fact that she's talking about it with you instead of someone else is a sign you have a happy wife.
9. She gets excited when you come home
I miss my husband so much when we're working during the day and I get so excited when I get to see him. Whether both of you are working or just one of you, her face will light up every time you get to see each other after a long day (kind of like this adorable puppy).
10. She wants to date you
It's not hard for your darling to postpone responsibilities to go on dates. She loves spending one-on-one time with you and makes an effort to make it happen. She also appreciates when you plan dates and spend time with her.
11. She forgives you
We all mess up in relationships and have to say "I'm sorry" sometimes. If your spouse can't stay mad at you after you apologize, she's happy. Forgiveness is so important in a marriage because we're all still learning and growing. It's impossible to be perfect, and the sooner you realize that, the happier your marriage will be.
12. She tells you she loves you
Believe her when she tells you she loves you. Your darling means it every time, even if she tells you when she's running out the door or totally distracted by something else. When she says "I love you", she's telling you she's happy, grateful and feels lucky to have you.
Knowing whether or not your wife is happy in your marriage helps your relationship grow and improve. To double-check your partner's happiness, share this with your spouse and talk about things you're doing well or things you could work on. Your marriage will be better for it.