Most people agree that it's so much easier to put others first and ourselves last - if we even make the list. This time, we're going to focus on filling up your own tank. This time - it's all about YOU.

1. More faith, less fear

It's been said we have nothing to fear but fear itself. But have you ever really challenged that theory? Have you been too afraid to try on the "yes cape" to allow yourself to do at least one of the things you've always wanted to do? Well, today is your lucky day. Today, you have permission to not only try on the "yes cape," but to wear it proudly. Whether it's finally setting the appointment to go skydiving or just allowing yourself to have dessert with lunch, say yes to yourself. Go on. Do it. Finish reading this later if you have to. Do whatever it takes to change your own world today by stepping out in faith that it's OK to be happy - even if it's just for 90 seconds a day. Try it.

2. Take a break

We all do it. We push ourselves to the point of exhaustion because of so many things that just "have" to get done. Tonight when you get home from work, or even on your next bathroom break at the office, take an extra five for yourself. Go outside and relax. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes if you want. Who cares who sees you?

3. Say, "Thank You."

The next time someone offers to do something for you, no matter how big or small that something is, accept it and say thanks. Being able to receive on any level can, without a doubt, can be life changing for those of us who are givers, so start small if you have to. Don't feel like you have to do anything in return except offer up a quick thanks. As you know, the feeling you personally get from giving is extremely rewarding. By learning to receive, you're giving that same feeling to the one trying to bless you. Say thank you and enjoy your gift. You'll both win when you do.

4. Count your blessings

Taking stock of the things you've got going for you rather than the things you feel you lack will get you recentered and refocused on what truly matters in your life. Did your car get you to work today? Did the elevator take you to the 10th floor without stopping or getting stuck? Or did your puppy give you kisses before you even opened your eyes this morning? While these events may seem trivial and are generally taken for granted, when you see them through the lenses of your blessing-colored glasses they're actually miracles in disguise. It's all in how you look at it.

This afternoon while you're stepping out in faith, taking your five-minute break and breathing in the freshness of life, carve out a few extra seconds to say thank you to Mother Nature for blessing you with her vibrant colors and her refreshing breeze. I guarantee your world will change almost instantly, and everyone back in the office will wonder just what you did while you were gone. Here are some more ideas on changing you for the better.

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