Looking good every day is a whole lot easier than you think. All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

1. Put on a smile

There's nothing more beautiful than an infectious smile. Seriously guys, it's science. Studies show smiling isn't just contagious, it also makes us look more attractive to others. Plus, it lifts our mood and the moods of the people around us. So if you want to look amazing, show off those pearly whites.

2. Wear clothes that flatter you

Real talk: we all have those clothes we never wear. But when we go to throw them away, we're emotionally attached to them. Sound familiar? It might be time to part ways with your old frocks and start filling your closet with clothes that look and feel good. The best part? You don't have to spend a fortune on flattering styles! Shop on Jane for boutique fashion at affordable prices (seriously, find boutique items at 70% off), so you can always look your best.

3. Keep your body in top shape

I know, I know, you're probably cringing at the word "exercise" but all you have to do is 30 minutes a day, and it doesn't have to be painful. All you need to do is find a workout you love! Plus, if you have kids and you're super busy, use them as weights when you're exercising or have them exercise next to you. Working out gives you endorphins (for that happy smile), more energy and helps you avoid chronic pain. What's more amazing than that?

4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Fact: most of us don't drink enough water every day. It's a super easy task (well, easier than working out) and will benefit you in the long run. Drinking lots of water helps clear out toxins in your body, which helps makes your skin glow. It also makes nails stronger, fights aging, alleviates sunburns, clears acne and reduces hair loss. So sit down and pour yourself a glass. Your body will thank you.

5. Take care of your skin

Raise your hand if you want glowing, wrinkle-free skin! Washing your face and moisturizing is your best bet for keeping skin youthful and clear. You'll also want to lather on sunscreen when you hit the pool to prevent skin damage. It might seem like a sacrifice, but forgoing a tan now will make your skin look amazing for years to come.

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